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Studio One Aims

  • We aim to ensure children participate in high quality lessons in which opportunities to be creative,  imaginative and expressive are abundant.  Through excellent teaching and  relationship building,  children will be motivated, their self-confidence will increase and their engagement in learning will be evident.  They will transfer new skills and confidence to their classroom environment.
  • We aim to ensure every child feels nurtured, cared for and valued with an understanding that they come to Studio One with a "clean slate".
  • Children will have opportunities to perform and present their creative works to adults and peers.
  • We aim to facilitate positive changes in emotional wellbeing and communication through the engagement in musical activities.
  • Children will see how they impact their surroundings, learn to regulate their own behaviour and what this feels like when the impact is positive.
  • Children will improve their skills and knowledge in Music, Literacy, Art and PSCHE.

How does Studio One link with the National Curriculum?

  • Each unit of work is taught over the course of a half term, one morning or afternoon a week. During this time, children will have covered essential criteria taken from the current National Curriculum (see the following page).  
  • At the end of each unit, we will provide schools with a portfolio evidencing the learning journey of each child with photos, examples of writing, a coverage map and an assessment report for each child. In addition, schools will receive a hard copy of the outcome of the units in the form of a CD, DVD, artwork. As part of each project we will work with the children to produce an end of unit short performance, ideal to be presented in a school assembly.
  • The voice of the child is a priority to us and we will ensure: children are listened to, children are supported in expressing their views and those views will be taken into account, children are involved in the decision-making processes, sharing power and responsibility for learning.